
At Ashland, acetylenic polymers have a rich and diverse history. This exciting polymer field is enabling many highly valued applications. Commercial application fields ranging from active pharmaceutical ingredient delivery systems, functional hair styling additives, film formers in sun screens, oxidation agents in oral care, detergent dye transfer inhibitors, dialysis membranes, additives for efficient oil and gas processes as well as many other applications are all benefiting from our design excellence and commercial polymer capabilities.

How does Ashland employ this polymer field to address so many diverse applications?

By coupling our many decades of commercial excellence to careful design and compositional selection enable us to match polymer architecture, material and physical characteristics to meet the most demanding applications.

Examples of the many polymer architectures that are available at Ashland are presented below. We invite you to explore this fascinating area of science.  

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homopolymers (product examples)


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random copolymers (product examples)


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alternating copolymers (product examples)


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graft copolymer(product examples)


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crosslinked copolymer(product examples)













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