biodiversity, climate and carbon, and waste management programs

biodiversity program

Ashland is fully committed to supporting biodiversity efforts through conserving key  natural resources and protecting habitats in areas that Ashland impacts throughout the  company’s value chain. Ashland believes that as a supplier of natural and nature derived  specialty ingredients, the company has an important role in supporting biodiversity and  conservation. Biodiverse habitats provide many benefits and support global societal  wellness through recreation, clean water, and resources with a variety of end uses. To  support biodiversity, Ashland commits to take action to support the maintenance of  biodiverse habitats, for current and future generations.

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climate and carbon program

Climate change is a global issue which will significantly impact societal wellness and the  world economy. Ashland recognizes its responsibility in supporting efforts to respond to  climate challenges and is committed to act to reduce global emissions, by reducing its own  operations footprint, and engaging with upstream and downstream value chain partners in  reduction goals. Steps will be required in every economic sector to support climate action  and corporate and governmental entities are key in supporting and facilitating transitional  efforts to decarbonize. 

Ashland has taken steps to understand its climate impact and set meaningful targets  around scope 1, 2, and 3 greenhouse gas emissions. Ashland has set near term, sciencebased targets aligned with the Paris Climate Accord and aims at limiting global warming to  no more than 1.5C across all three scopes. 

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waste management program

Ashland is committed to responsibly managing the company’s operational footprint  including the consumption of water. Considering increasing water risks related to water  stress and water scarcity, tied to climate change and resource growth, the company is  taking steps to understand and reduce the water footprint across all operations, as well as  to engage across the value chain in this key environmental issue. 

Ashland believes in the importance of sustainable water resource management and in riskbased prioritization and addressing of operational impacts. Ashland is working to continue  to refine current understanding of water risks to set meaningful water targets that improve  efficiency and increase stakeholder understanding of Ashland’s direct and value chain  water impacts. Ashland currently relies on standards and guidance set forth by the Water  Resources Institute, as well as reporting guidance in the GRI standards, to identify and  disclose key information on company water impacts. Ashland is engaging in the value chain  on water stewardship and works to support best practices with suppliers, customers, and  communities.

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