who can attract with small quantities? we do
Ashland has highly unique capabilities: It can manufacture compounds at very low temperature and contains modern bulk drug finishing areas, high vacuum distillation expertise and sophisticated batch polymerization equipment. Products are manufactured in glass-lined or stainless-steel reactors and purified by extraction, crystallization or distillation. In addition to a line of proprietary products, the plant makes materials on a custom or contract basis.
safer pest control
Early on, Ashland’s Columbus, OH plant developed the technology to produce pheromones, complex organic compounds that are sex hormones, or attractants, for insects. These compounds create an environmentally friendly way to monitor and control a target species of insect populations.
Very small amounts of pheromones attract insects for population monitoring and trapping; in larger quantities, they disrupt the insect's reproductive cycles. Though used in small quantities, pheromones can have enormous beneficial impact.
Through history, many useful plants have been subject to devastation by particular insect pests -the boll weevil, for example, was a recurring threat to cotton crops. Today, this hazard is combated by Grandlure Complete®, a pheromone produced exclusively by Ashland. In the last 35 years, this substance, combined with other management techniques, has essential¬ly eradicated the boll weevil in the southeastern United States.
Such expertise has brought Ashland's Columbus site recognition as a world leader in pheromone production. The site produces commercial quantities for the Mediterranean fruit fly, and boll weevil. The site can also produce tomato pinworm, gypsy moth, pink bollworm and codling moth, as well as the housefly pheromones. The team is committed to understanding customers’ needs, goals, and timelines.
esg sustainability
With the detrimental effect of synthetic insecticides on plants, animals and humans and the cost of introducing new insecticides or even re-registration of existing insecticides is time-consuming and expensive, Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is carried out in a sustainable manner by a combination of different approaches that minimizes health, safety, and environmental risks.
IPM pheromones, such as Grandlure Complete and Trimedlure, are considered clean and eco-friendly as compared to pesticides.
IPM is carried out in a sustainable manner by a combination of different approaches that minimizes health, safety, and environmental risks.
grandlure™ complete is used to lure boll wee¬vils into traps
trimedlure is used to lure the medfly into traps. Only male medflies are attracted by the pheromone.
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grandlure™ complete
Grandlure Complete is a synthetic pheromone with a mild but pleasant odor that attracts Cotton boll Weevils, an insect that feeds on cotton buds and flowers. This pheromone is best used by attracting male boll weevils to the cotton plant. When the male boll weevil releases its aggregation pheromones, more boll weevils flock to the plant, luring them into traps placed there. These traps should be baited with one-inch square laminated polyvinyl chl...
Trimedlure is a powerful male attractant for the Mediterranean Fruit Fly. This product attracts the male fruit flies into set tape traps, making it impossible for them to mate with female fruit flies. Trimedlure is effective in preventing mating and reproducing that would normally result in the destruction of crops.