
Today’s generation is engaged in an existential threat to our planet. Climate change, sustainability, and a commitment to a safer, healthier world require new ways of doing business. 

At Ashland, we have taken an inside-out view, working up and down our value chains to solve complex environmental challenges and ensure our operations are safer, more sustainable, use less energy and have a smaller carbon footprint. We’re working with customers and suppliers to lay bare the entire product lifecycle from raw materials to end-of-life management because we understand that there is no Planet B. 

We’re also working closely with the communities in which we operate. So as future generations ask which people, and what companies banded together to solve these monumental challenges, Ashland’s actions will demonstrate how we grew our business while responsibly solving for a better world. 

Scroll down throughout our page and learn about our focused product portfolio, conscious-to-cutting edge innovations and technologies, and why we brought together the most diverse and innovative group of problem solvers in our company’s nearly century-old history. 

materiality assessment Impact
Environmental disciplines underpin Ashland’s entire strategy, from innovation and sourcing to manufacturing, logistics, customer, community, and government relations. Areas of focus include climate change risks and management, Ashland’s environmental footprint, and waste and hazardous materials management. 


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click the topics to learn more
s o c i a l e n v i r o nm e n t g ov e r n a n ce community engagement human rights corporate behaviorethical governancestructures/mechanisms and data securitycustomer privacy climate change risksand management environmentalfootprint waste & hazardousmaterials mgmt responsible consumption and production product design andlifecycle management innovation andtechnology business modelresilience transparency product and servicesafety and quality employee healthand safety inclusion & diversity,employee engagementcorevalues

responsible consumption and production

  • planet-positive-approach
  • R&D that focuses on the life cycle of our products, including up and downstream impacts
  • with an eye toward protecting the planet, reducing our environmental impact and ultimately, going beyond carbon neutrality to a truly sustainable business model
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waste and hazardous materials management

  • we are a responsible care company. we recognize and strive to mitigate and continuously reduce our manufacturing risk
  • we have robust management systems that ensure we are operating responsibly and transparently
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product design and lifecycle management

  • innovating new products holistically with planet-positive and cradle to grave consideration including upcycling and circularity models that proactively help customers manage the entire lifecycle of a product
  • from inception through the engineering, design, and manufacture, through service and disposal, reuse or natural breakdown in the environment, every product must be accounted for at every stage of its life
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environmental footprint

  • we manage, track and have targets to reduce our manufacturing footprint, through renewable energy and energy efficient projects
  • we engage with our manufacturing team to identify creative solutions that drive towards lean manufacturing and continuous improvement
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innovation and technology

  • we are at the forefront of the design, synthesis and production of specialty additives and ingredients essential to everyday life
  • innovative, planet-positive approach to answering our customers most complex challenges
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climate change risks and management

  • we have committed to setting science based targets to continue to reduce our emissions as a part of the broader global initiative
  • we are assessing and responding to climate risk in our operations and supply chain - we recognize that responding to this will be an important part of our long term business continuity
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business model resilience

  • responsibly innovating; focused and value-generating even amidst a volatile economy, disrupted supply chains, and rising raw material costs
  • high engagement with customers and industry ecosystems to customize, invest and explore new growth initiatives
  • delivering consistent and reliable value for stakeholders
  • strong innovation culture and capabilities
  • aligned technology portfolio where environment, social and governance (ESG) is a growth and innovation opportunity
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customer privacy and data security

  • we have measures in place to identify and address cyber risk
  • we routinely train and exercise our employee awareness of cyber risk to ensure that everyone understands the importance of taking steps to protect our customer data
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  • credibility over time builds trust and that trust only comes from clear transparency in everything we do
  • steadfast adherence to core values to avoid conflicts of interest and consistently track and hone accounting practices
  • BOD members, committees and ESG work groups focused on ESG transparent management systems
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governance structures / mechanisms

  • we have an effective and active governance structure and ESG is integrated into our board and senior leadership activities and oversight
  • our employee and leadership compensation is tied to our sustainability performance to drive ownership, accountability and continued success in our initiatives
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product and service safety and quality

  • manufacture and deliver of safe products and solutions for customer and the environment
  • employing Good Manufacturing Practice principles in personal care and life sciences
  • minimizing quality risk through robust risk assessment and mitigation
  • increasing natural, nature derived, biodegradable and sustainable in use product solutions
  • eliminating or reducing hazardous chemicals through innovative processing and manufacturing of products
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ethical corporate behavior

  • we strive to be transparent and ethical in all that we do. We have a robust system of ethics and compliance controls that ensure we are operating in a legal and fully ethical manner
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employee health and safety

  • continued commitment to a zero-incident culture with a focus on driving toward ZERO in the areas of Safety, Process Safety and Asset Integrity and Reliability
  • robust management systems that ensure internal transparency and accountability within key EH&S focus areas
  • we believe that participation in local ecosystems comes with a responsibility to make things better, not just for today's population, but for generations to come
  • the Ashland Responsible Solvers program is a social-focused, worldwide science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) program that, when coupled with locally guided volunteerism, puts the power of our people and products in the hands of the communities where we live, work and play
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human rights

  • we hold ourselves and our suppliers to high standards and do not tolerate any form of human rights violations
  • we engage with our suppliers in programs like the sustainable guar initiative to empower communities towards healthy and sustainable growth
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inclusion & diversity, employee engagement

  • intelligent, dedicated employees solving complex challenges to have a positive impact on our customers, consumers, and planet
  • focus on inclusion and diversity within our workforce, strengthening our team through an open and diverse workplace culture
  • continuously reassessing workforce engagement to develop and retain a committed workforce
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community engagement

  • we believe that participation in local ecosystems comes with a responsibility to make things better, not just for today's population, but for generations to come
  • the Ashland Responsible Solvers program is a social-focused, worldwide science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) program that, when coupled with locally guided volunteerism, puts the power of our people and products in the hands of the communities where we live, work and play
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featured environmental programs

conscious-to-cutting edge innovations

ESG, R&D and our thoughtful approach to our portfolio of products.

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earth day programs

On Earth Day we celebrate and validate the hard work and dedication our employees bring to Ashland's on-going commitment to the environment.

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wildlife habitat council

Ashland's commitment to environmental conservation and stewardship via collaboration with the Wildlife Habitat Council.

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natural, nature-derived and biodegradable

Learn about our new, award-winning natural, nature-derived, and biodegradable product innovations for personal care.

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