
hair care
As a leading global innovative ingredient supplier to the hair care industry, Ashland utilizes a comprehensive approach to provide a total solution for all aspects of hair care products.
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home care
Did you know Ashland is a leading supplier of commercial technologies that solve some of the most complex formulation challenges in laundry, dishwashing and hard surface cleaning applications?
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oral care
Discover innovative ingredients for denture adhesive hold, desirable toothpaste rheology, long-lasting actives delivery and whitening agents for whiter and healthier smiles.
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skin and sun care
The teams at Ashland are ready to help you to keep faces, hands, feet and body clean, healthy and safe from the sun.
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At Ashland’s laboratories, a dedicated team of research scientists are continuously investigating skin biology, evaluating ingredient performance, and developing the next generations of biofunctional ingredients.
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We help you to select the right antimicrobial system for your individual needs in skin, sun and hair care products. explore the range of our antimicrobial offerings.
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