responsible care overview
Responsible Care is the chemical industry’s unique, global initiative that drives continual improvement in health, safety and environmental performance, together with open and transparent communication with stakeholders. As a symbol of our commitment, Ashland has signed the Responsible Care Global Charter and the American Chemistry Council's Guiding Principles. We will publicly report our global environmental, health, and safety performance to ensure transparency in our progress.
Our Responsible Care Policy outlines our commitment into three main goals:
1. Operate with zero incidents: We believe that all injuries are preventable … on and off the job. We strive to operate with zero occupational illnesses and zero environmental, security, quality, or process safety incidents.
2. Ensure compliance: We abide by applicable laws, regulations, technical specifications and internal standards while adhering to high ethical standards.
3. Reduce impact: To support our sustainability efforts, we continually examine ways to reduce our environmental footprint while providing products that meet our customers’ needs.
keys to our Responsible Care policy include:
• Transparency: We maintain an open dialogue with employees and communities.
• Product stewardship: We work with supply chain partners and customers to enhance product safety.
• Global management system: We follow standard processes that provide a foundation to achieve our RC Goals.
Headquartered in the U.S.A., Ashland is an active member of the American Chemistry Council. Because we are a global company, we also participate in similar organizations in other countries as well as the International Council of Chemical Associations. As an indication of our commitment to Responsible Care, we have obtained a third-party certification to RC14001, which includes the internationally recognized ISO 14001 certification and adds additional health, safety, security, and chemical industry requirements. Currently, Ashland has 30 international sites participating on a group RC14001 certification, and we are working toward certifying all our manufacturing locations. Also, as part of our commitment to health and safety, 16 of our sites have obtained an additional ISO 45001 certification, an international health and safety management system.
To learn more about Responsible Care, visit: or .
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