how filmQA pro™ software v8 with gafchromic™ in-vivo dosimetry system works

A new film-based solution for point and skin dosimetry measurements

The automated gafchromic™ film-based in vivo dosimetry system workflow incorporates auto-ROI generation and auto-calibration scanning at user-specified intervals (e.g., 5-min intervals for the first hour, followed by 15-min intervals up to 24 h) to build a time-resolved set of triple-channel calibration curves to capture the optical density growth post-irradiation. 

The automated gafchromic™ film-based in vivo dosimetry system workflow incorporates auto-ROI generation and auto-calibration scanning at user-specified intervals (e.g., 5-min intervals for the first hour, followed by 15-min intervals up to 24 h) to build a time-resolved set of triple-channel calibration curves to capture the optical density growth post-irradiation. 

Film-based In-Vivo dose measurements offer several advantages over other dosimetry systems.

    • Precise and accurate dose values with consistent accuracy to tolerance ranges: Using the same technology as Ashland’s gafchromic™ films, the highest resolution and accurate dosimeter in the market, gafchromic™ pnt-dos™ has shown to be able to produce accurate reproducible data within ±10 cGy for low dose range (<80 cGy) and +/- 5% for high dose ranges (80 cGy to 400 cGy).
    • High spatial resolution, allowing for detailed dose measurements in two dimensions.: gafchromic™ pnt-dos™ device, like Ashland’s other gafchromic™ films, have an improved uniformity of active material providing a high-resolution image when analyzed using filmQA™ pro software using a high-resolution scanner. The software analyzes full area of the gafchromic™ pnt-dos™ to determine the dose delivered with high accuracy and reproducibility. 
    • Relative ease of handling and analyzing, making it convenient for dose measurements: gafchromic™ pnt-dos™ device utilizes an adhesive layer on the back of the device allowing users to easily stick the device to a patient or phantom for the test ensuring the device will not move causing errors. Each gafchromic™ pnt-dos™ device is serialized using a 2-D barcode that can easily be scanned. When scanned into the Point dose module of filmQA™ pro v8, users will be able to easily track and manage use of their gafchromic™ pnt-dos device. Just peel, stick, irradiate, analyze. That’s it. 

Gafchromic™ pnt-dos™ device is manufactured as a single-use device when strictly following the procedures outlined in the instructions for use (IFU) to ensure optimal performance, accuracy, and patient safety. Due to the potential for changes in dosimeter performance with accumulating life-time dose, Ashland does not support reuse of the In-Vivo Dosimeter for use with patients. 

When used for calibration and quality control (QC), the dosimeter may be used in accordance with the recommended replacement schedule. 



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