benecel™ mx methylcellulose

chemistry: cellulosics

ingredient name: methylcellulose

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Benecel™ MX methylcellulose is specially formulated for meat and seafood alternatives. It forms a thermal gel that creates a firm texture during cooking and remains while eating and cooling. Benecel™ MX methylcellulose provides a firm bite for products meant to simulate meat products, binding to replace eggs, and can help retain moisture to provide an enjoyable eating experience.

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features and benefits
  • strong thermal gelling
  • low gelling temperature
  • emulsificaiton stabilizes fat and water to retain moisture
  • high viscosity
  • plant-derived

  • meat alternatives
  • seafood alternatives
  • vegetable-based applications

region currently available

For country-specific details, please contact your local sales representative.
Asia Pacific / China / Europe Middle East & Africa / Latin America / North America

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sustainability features

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