agrimer™ al (alkylated pvp) polymers

chemistry: Alkylated PVP Polymers

The agrimer™ al alkylated vinyl pyrrolidone family includes surface active non-ionic polymers. The backbone includes hydrophobic and hydrophilic moieties that drive the polymer to either the water-air or water-oil interface, providing potential emulsion stabilization and rainfastness benefits.

All grades are pH stable, with adhesive, cohesive, dispersant and emulsification properties.

  • surface active polymer
  • oil/water soluble depending on percent pyrrolidone and alkyl substituent chain length


  • dispersion aid for oil dispersion (OD) formulations
  • adhesive properties
  • spreader-sticker and anti-flocculant in one polymer
  • effective in reducing oil-water interfacial tension
  • not sensitive to ph or salts
  • optimizes viscosity to prevent active ingredient precipitation in suspension concentrates and permitting high active ingredient loading in flowables
  • foliar adhesion
  • wash-off resistant interfacial films for enhanced efficacy
  • optimizes biological efficacy
  • antitranspirant properties

suggested applications

  • emulsifier and anti-flocculant
  • crystal inhibition
  • multiple emulsions / stabilization of water-in-oil and oil-in-water emulsions
  • anti-flocculants for flowables and concentrated suspensions for high active ingredient loading
  • rainfastness: forms waterproof films that minimize wash-off of crop protection chemicals from foliage
  • dispersion aid in oil dispersion (OD) formulations

physical and chemical properties

The random grafting of alpha olefins onto a vinyl pyrrolidone polymer backbone and lactam ring results in products having widely diverse properties that vary with the molecular weight of the product, the length of the alkyl group, and the degree of alkylation of the polymer. One key feature of this family is that by coupling the “pseudo-cationic” pyrrolidone with the hydrophobic alkyl groups, the polymer exhibits surfactant-like properties. 

The literature on formulating crop protection chemicals documents the superiority of polymeric surfactants as stabilizers of emulsions and flowable formulations, and “comb-like” polymers have been cited as being excellent stabilizers of suspension concentrates. The agrimer™ al graft polymers provide the formulator with a range of graft polymers that possess both of these desirable traits in a single molecule.

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agrimer™ al (alkylated pvp) polymers product grades:

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