phase 2™ carb controller for reduced starch absorption

Phase 2™ carb controller is a proprietary, natural ingredient derived from the white kidney bean. This product is not a stimulant; it works by reducing the enzymatic digestion of dietary starches. Phase 2™ carb controller has been clinically shown to reduce the digestion and absorption of dietary starches by up to 66%.

Phase 2™ carb controller has been extensively studied; more than 14 clinical studies have been conducted in the past 15 years. Phase 2™ carb controller is a market leader, and has been used successfully in multiple products worldwide.

Phase 2™ white kidney bean extract has been reviewed by the U.S. FDA to permit structure/function claims:

  • “may reduce enzymatic digestion of dietary starch”
  • “may assist in weight control when used with diet and exercise”

Additionally, in its monograph for white kidney bean extract, Natural Health Products Directorate of Canada permits the following claim for weight management:

  • 3000 mg per day standardized to 3000 AAIU per gram : assists in weight management when taken before meals.

Phase 2™ carb controller has also been shown to have efficacy for pets. 88% of dogs in a multi-clinic study lost weight.


  • supports weight management
  • structure/function claims support
  • solvent-free
  • self-affirmed GRAS status
  • made from U.S.-grown white kidney beans
  • non-GMO

Talk to an Ashland solver for more information or receive a sample.

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